Farm animals in the City of Findlay ~
Todays Courier featured an article regarding zoning codes that would impose new rules on farm animals – a controversial subject. Why does the city insist on imposing more rules and regulations on the residents that pay the mortgages on their houses and taxes on their properties? These zoning codes are unconstitutional. Here are a few questions I have:
1. Why the sudden need for farm animal restrictions? We’ve done fine for over two centuries without them. There is a host of governing agencies who are responsible for farm animals already. Does this city really want to strong arm the people in this manner?
2. What defines a farm animal? Who determines whether its a farm animal or a pet if the child has named them?
3. Where do city restrictions begin? Where do they end? We do NOT live in an HOA (Homeowners Association) and shouldn’t be governed as so. Will they then limit how many dogs you can have or how loud they can bark? If I don’t have chickens but want chickens, will I not be able to have any? Is the local government trying to control the people and their ability to sustain themselves? Asking because “Sustainable” Development comes up in a lot of the agenda they push. Is “sustainable” just for the government to enforce policies and not for the people? Just consider the price of eggs these days. For the record, we had chickens for three years and our chicken coup is still up in the backyard. These ordinances get personal when it comes to property rights. We’ve been on the brunt of a couple.
4. Who is complaining about their neighbors having them? Is it the same complainant at all times? If so, are we making laws for the entire city based on one or two people complaining? Should neighbors with alternative lifestyles be able to use the government for harassment?
5. Who is Matt Cordonier and why is an unelected official drafting legislation? What instrument is he using as a base for this legislation?
6. How much money has the city lost in settlements over unconstitutional ordinances? How many more will stem from this? Especially considering there’s so much conflicting feedback.
Below is a picture of the front page of The Courier. Consider this: Farm animal restrictions, Annexation clash, increase in taxes while proposing to spend $10-$40 million on a park downtown, Opioid Crisis with numbers on the rise, unaddressed illegal aliens all while the city is receiving millions in grants, with COVID funds mind you, to infuse infrastructure for “Sustainable Development”. Thats quite an agenda. Oh, I don’t want to forget to mention the “National Opioid Settlement Agreement” with the State of Ohio that the Mayor will sign individually to enter into ANY participation agreement through Ordinance No. 2023-022. A letter she failed to include in the City Council packet on 2/21/23. You can find this on YouTube under “Findlay Ohio City Council”. Fast forward to 51:55 of that video to see how she explains that they have already started receiving PAYMENTS for being part of that Opioid Agreement. She then mentions settling with different manufacturers, one being Johnson & Johnson. Hmmm what is this Settlement agreement that the city has entered into that the people know nothing about?
As a candidate whose platform is addressing these specific issues, Constitutional rights, Medical Freedom, Property Rights & Eminent Domain and the most important, TRUTH & TRANSPARENCY, you can see how all this is alarming to me. This is the very government our forefathers warned us about. Who would have thought?
Findlay-Hancock County is 1st in business growth and aim to be the best yet fail to listen to its residents. That’s why I’m here. I’m running for Mayor to give the city back to We The People! I’m here to stand up for everyone they are ignoring. I’m here to be the change that needs to be made . . . because what matters to you, matters to me!
VOTE Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor, May 2nd