AI & the Fourth Industrial Revolution:
Also known as 4IR or Industry 4.0. I know what you are probably thinking . . . Why do we need to talk about AI (Artificial Intelligence) and the Fourth Industrial Revolution? I’ll tell you why, because the Chamber of Commerce is talking about it, the University of Findlay is talking about it and the Courier has an article in todays paper about it. I think we need to start paying attention. This is what they are planning.
In case you haven’t done any research, I’ll fill you in on some serious concerns about AI . . . and you don’t have to look further than the first paragraph in todays paper – “AI technology that has promised to transform everyday life and spurred warnings of existential dangers to humanity”. There is no “possibility it might happen, NO, it’s happening.
AI can influence people’s opinions and behaviors. Want to know how? From the Internet of Things (IoT) that’s connected to the Internet of Bodies (IoB) and the Internet of Behaviors. In October 21st The Courier ran a front-page article, “Findlay Schools cautiously optimistic about AI”. What could possibly go wrong besides the indoctrination that is already happening in schools?
AI technology provides surveillance which violates people’s privacy and rights through analytics and infrastructure monitoring. For this you have to look no further than your own electric SMART meter. Take a close look at mine. Do you see the company at the top, Silver Spring Network? Silver Spring Network is a SMART city & Mesh Network player and sees the Internet of Things (IoT) grid connection and city connections. See, you’re already connected to the matrix and they didn’t ask for your consent
how do you feel about your privacy now?
On December 9th I posted the google patent for the Internet of Bodies on my “Haydee Sadler Pursuing Truth” FB page. You should really come check it out. It for “devices or methods to cause a change in the state of consciousness; devices for producing or ending sleep by mechanical, optical or acoustic means, e.g. for hypnosis”. Scary, huh
In March of this year, after much research, I reached out to Mayor Muryn to pointedly ask ”are you building a SMART city?” She responded with No. On November 7th I spoke at City Council about SMART cities. While no one had any questions for me after my speech, Muryn did make a ‘note’ at the end of that meeting that she was not building a SMART city. On November 21st, again I spoke at City Council to point out all the COINCIDENCES there are in that all the infrastructure they are installing are by globalist companies that happen to be SMART city building companies
Today I checked out the Yales Mayor Summit/ Mayors College that is listed Findlay’s Mayor page and her picture is on that first page. It’s also on the first page of the Ohio Mayors Alliance along with Bibbs, Cleveland Mayor who has made it know he is building a SMART city. I don’t know guys, I seems to me that she’s part of the enemy’s army and that she’s pictured because she’s using Findlay as an example of how to build a SMART city what say you?
Oh, and let me remind you, Aclara, who is also listed on the SMART electric meter (see below) is also listed on Findlay’s water meter contract with SUEZ North America. Oh look! Another coincidence! The contract states that they will be using AclaraONE software. (ONE for One Network for Everything). AclaraONE software has a multi-utility function. I asked the mayor if they were using that software for anything else. She said NO.
I don’t know Findlay. My guess is that GAS is next. They will say something happened to the old system, needs replaced, will use globalist companies to build all “Declaring and Emergency”.
I’ll talk more about MetroNet 5g that powers it all up at a later time
Findlay is ushering in the WEF’s Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Come check out my “Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor” Facebook page where I break it all down. (1) Facebook