The Real Climate Change Agenda

ALERT! Findlay, how does a conservative small city, like our own, elect Republican officials that move towards a socialist agenda?

In Tuesdays Courier, 3/7/23, we were given an update on the Water Meter Project stating we are using a Utility Service Company out of Perry, GA. In an article from Water World on 8/11/08 I see that this Georgia company was bought by SUEZ Environment North America. A company that is committed to the Climate Change agenda.

Between SUEZ, Metronet Business – the company we are using for fiber optics that is building Smart 15-minute cities, the push for Annexation, the ordinance to restrict property owners from owning farm animals (that’s just the beginning), and state grants to build greenway trails throughout the city, I’d say we are moving faster towards Socialism than what I ever imagined😳 Ramrodding ordinances through City Council without their proper 2nd & 3rd readings to hurry up and get money the Biden Administration is giving out for this VERY reason. Funds that our children and grandchildren will be taxed on in the future, leaving them no heritage because it was spent today.

What are we doing?

How did we get here?

How do we change directions if we are headed toward danger?

I’ll tell you how . . . VOTE!

VOTE Haydee Sadler for Mayor, May 2nd🇺🇸 Our freedom depends on it!


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