Findlay, over the last couple of weeks I’ve been wondering and asking if Findlay is moving towards a Socialist Agenda. Given the Farm Animals ordinance with restrictions, the Annexation push, MetroNet building smart 15-minute cities installing our fiber optics, and our water meters being installed by Utilities Service Company out of Perry, GA that was purchased by SUEZ North America and is based out of Quatar, I’m going to say YES. Someone made a comment in an earlier post about funds from G. Soros, which I found interesting Someone else asked the question “Why would Soros have any interest in Findlay?” Another great question. In my pursuit of truth with facts, I have found some VERY interesting things. I present this information to you so that you can decide for yourself. And is Soros a Socialist or Communist?

My question is, do the residents of the City of Findlay agree with this agenda? Are we aware that this is their plan or do you feel they have kept you in the dark?
1. Owner of Metronet is John Cinelli Soros.

2. CMN-RUS is dba Metronet. It’s owned by Andrew Cinelli.

3. Suez North America merged with Veolia in 2021. Who are the top investors? Blackrock & Vanguard.

This is not happening in our back yard, it’s in our front yards and all around us. I’m curious to find out what other companies are being used to fast-track the building of this city. As residents and taxpayers, don’t we have the right to know who the private investors and stakeholders are that are behind the Catalytic Plan for our micropolitan?
Let me know your thoughts.
And mark your calendars to VOTE!
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor, May 2nd