A topic I haven’t addressed because it’s not on my platform, although I have my own thoughts about it . . . Which I will share with you now.
I’m a 47 woman raising a family in the heart of Findlay. I’m also running for Mayor of the City of Findlay. In my first race, last year, I ran for State Central Committee, a position that would give me a voice over nine counties after the redistricting lines were in place. One important thing I know, even prior to these races, is that demographics matter. Who is your targeted audience and What is their age? These things are based on what your issue is, whether that be from a business or political standpoint (there are many other factors than these two).
I won’t mince words for this post in order to try to bring my point full circle.
In case you didn’t know, Findlay, OH is made up of predominantly white, Caucasian people – 84.6% to be exact. Growing up in Florida with a TON of diversity and a Hispanic family that mathematically amounts to hundreds, you might be able to understand how coming to Findlay at the age of 12 was a bit of a culture shock. Thirty-seven years ago we were the minority and still are. I will have to admit, as an adolescent girl, yes, I was a bit intimidated by seeing so many white people . . . but, it was a bit refreshing. I felt a certain freedom in being in a new state with new friends and releasing old ideas. It was an unexpected yet liberating experience. It felt like it was a fresh clean start! I didn’t really have any problems growing up here in Findlay. I went to school, made new friends, and tried new things. In Junior High at Central Middle School, I had good grades and didn’t have any problems with friends or teachers. Findlay High School was pretty much the same, just awkward in the sense that at that age I was trying to figure myself out – I’m sure you all understand
I attended a local college for a year and a half out of High school and married very young so I went straight into the work field. After High School, I served tables at our downtown Woodland Restaurant. That was rather fun if I must say
Fast Forward to today. I’ve never had any problems fitting in besides sorting myself out during my teenage years. I’ve only run into one person that has called me a tomato picker while surrounded by professionals all over the state (a story for a later date) during a company Christmas party at Golden Key Title, where I worked at the time. I’ve always been kind, loving, and compassionate in all the areas I have been privileged to work. No complaints. That’s not really my thing anyway.
So covid hits and out of the blue, I see “racist” narratives pushed by Mainstream Media. Where did this come from? Hate speech, racism, and Division just start tearing up our country. Such a weird thing Leaving a community that never felt racism and moving into a community where I haven’t been affected by that at all made this issue look like propaganda to me. Race wars, political divide, and vaxxers vs. anti-vaxxers all seemed to be battles that were beginning again. It was definitely an eye-opening experience. What was more shocking was how fast Findlay jumped on board. A divide we never felt was immediately adopted. What?
CRT, LGBTQ, tyrannical mandates, drugs, politics, and many other things were pushed to the forefront of our community. Why? And why SO fast?
So here we are, Findlay 2023. Adopting all these radical ideas, receiving FREE money from the state, pushing critical race theory, building a city on a climate hoax agenda, celebrating men dressed up as women flaunting themselves all over our children, ignoring the illegal immigrants crowding the edges of our city, dying from opioids and other drugs while prominent people like priests at the Catholic Church traffic children in our city and we “celebrate” that we are a micropolitan for nine years in a row while using socialist/communist companies to build our cities. NOT ONLY THAT, here I am, a concerned citizen living in this city, attending council meetings, trying to fill a void in a vacant seat on our Central Committee for the past year, attending the first Friday GOP luncheon at the Moose with an unsuccessful run at State Central Committee last year running for Mayor in this predominantly white community pushing for Diveristy, Belonging, and Inclusion. Guess what? They see me, they know my name, they know what I’m doing and none of our GOP have reached out to me to make a connection besides Steve Welton. They don’t talk to me, they don’t look at me and they purposely avoid me. All this talk about DIVERSITY, INCLUSION & BELONGING is all part of an agenda – because they don’t practice it with me. I am a diverse person with nonconforming ideas, NO doubt. If they don’t welcome their own, how will they welcome others outside of their community? It’s obvious in the way they’ve treated me and the way they’ve ignored the outsiders, the illegal aliens I keep referring to, that this is not what they are aiming for.
A predominately white city not practicing what they push. Got it
Findlay, I’m here to make a change. I’m fighting what people call the “Findlay Machine” and I’m fighting for YOU!
Join the fight to change this city to be beautiful inside and out like our souls VOTE! Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor. May 2nd