Is Findlay a Welfare City?

What is welfare? Welfare has different meanings depending on the context in which it’s used. It’s a beautiful word in the sense that it means well-being, health, and good fortune. However, in today’s world when we say welfare we think of government dependency or government-dependent people. Welfare is a government agency that provides funds and aid to people in need, especially those unable to work. Has anyone of you been on welfare before? How did that make you feel? What do you think when you see people that don’t work and collect “free” government money that you as a taxpayer are contributing to without consent? Through the pandemic, with inflation on the rise, it seems like many more people are depending on the government to fund their daily lives. Many of them don’t own their own homes but also live on government housing through Metro Housing in addition to food assistance.

Quick story. I’ve been in the workforce since I was 15 and moved out of my father’s house at 17 years old a week after I graduated from High School. I knew back then I WASN’T going to live on the welfare system and have always worked my ass off to be sure of it. Only one time did I ever need the system that I paid into with my taxpayer dollars. I was 8 months pregnant with my son Benjamin when I was let go from my job at Golden Key Title. That was an unexpected surprise. As a household that has always operated on two incomes, we knew we’d feel the impact almost immediately. After a few weeks of budgeting groceries and bills I thought, well, this system was built for working people that fall on hard times just like these. So, I filled out the paperwork and applied for food stamps. To my surprise, we didn’t qualify. WHAT! How broken does the system have to be in order not to give benefits to the very people paying into it?! This is where I kicked up my Homesteading😊

With Findlay being this micropolitan city that has its own university, an industrial park, a top 100 hospital, and a strong workforce, why are we taking “FREE” grant money? What’s the difference between a strong wealthy community that can build and provide for itself, and those individuals living off the system? Some of the projects we are using with grant funds will require us to apply for grants annually. While I understand this has been the process for many projects in years past, I think it would be wise to pause for a minute. What is the hurry in building this city? I’m all FOR growth, beautifying the landscape, and making our city a great place to live, but considering these grant funds have timelines from the day of acceptance to the day and reimbursement (I think it’s like 45 days), we are ramrodding decisions and ordinances through City Council without their proper time and it’s concerning the residents. ARPA grant funds for the demolition of houses by the YMCA while the Hardin Street neighborhood and the Historical Museum are pushing back. The Farm Animal ordinance was put on hold because the people are pushing back. Annexation to Findlay and the people are pushing back. Using Globalist companies (Utility Services Co., Perry, GA) for the water system and Metronet for fiberoptics, used in building this city. Shouldn’t we be vetting these companies prior to entering into contracts with them?🤔

I find our local government to be untrustworthy and rather “sneaky” as someone who spoke at last night’s City Council meeting put it. The only questions and Nay’s I ever hear are from Councilwoman Holly Frische who they silence all the time. Jim Staschiak is another watchman on the wall, and I’d like to personally thank them both for being the voice of reason for the citizens. From my observation, everyone else seems to be “yes men”. That’s cause for great concern.

I’m concerned Findlay. These are just a few of the many reasons I’m taking up the fight – to hold our elected officials accountable since WE elected them to make these decisions on our behalf.

I’m running as the City of Findlay Mayor to be the change YOU want to see! And I assure you, what matters to you, matters to me!❤️

VOTE! Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor, May 2nd.🇺🇸

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