Surge in population in Findlay under Muryn’s Administration

In Findlay, Christina Muryn is taking a lot of liberties to make decisions about this city without asking the people. Even when they did ask the residents through Findlay Forwards Strategic Plan they didn’t listen. I was on that committee and I saw first hand how they manipulated the data to finish with goals like “Safe” and “connected” city. And while they are written in a certain way on paper, these esoteric words mean something totally different to them.

Implementing socialism is a process involving gradual increase of the role of government and implementing policies that promote social welfare. Over time you can see how Findlay is gradually getting there.

Todays Courier is informing us that the mayor plans on city growth from 600-1,000 new residents. While this is what the Courier reports, at the City Council meeting she said 2,000.

I realize not everyone gets the paper or watches the City Council meetings on Youtube which is why I share . . . because I care.

During the Strategic Plan, the mayor reached out to Lydia Mahalik from JobsOhio for input. So, in writing out this esoteric plan, was implementing socialism the goal?🤔 because it certainly looks like it. JobsOhio commits laborers for Sheetz (“Hat Trick” project where the trick is on us), Sheetz commits to Findlay with some sort of tax exemption, mayor pushes for Habitat Housing in West Park then makes the announcement our population will be increasing. Hmmm. I don’t know about you but that is pretty obvious to me what she is doing.

In the meantime she has allowed for Monitoring systems to be added to your houses through electric SMART meters in 2020, SMART water meters installed this year all with global companies that use these systems to restrict the residents usage. (See prior posts for the companies.).

I recently watched a movie called “Look Up”. I‘m not suggesting you watch it, but I am suggesting that you start paying attention to Muryns very dangerous agenda. She’s literally destroying our town before our very eyes.

Muryn is NOT working for the people, which is why we need to work to #RecallMuryn.

We need to take action. If not us, then who? If not now, then when?


Mayor coordinating response to growing immigrant population | The Courier City Council wants more oversight

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