Haydee Sadler

Pursuing Truth

If not us, then who? If not now, then when?

I’m stepping up to the challenge of serving our community to the greatest capacity that I am able. What matters to you, matters to me. It’s time for a change, and I want to bring the change that people want to see!

What is Haydee’s Agenda?

Truth & Transparency
I will lead the charge in every move I make in addressing issues, where the funds are coming from, and how we plan to resolve the problems that arise.
Medical Freedom
I commit to signing the Medical Freedom petition and looking into implanting legislation that protects the medical rights of our community.
Opioid & Addiction Crisis
I will review the statistics and policies in place, analyzing their effectiveness in order to improve the system.
Infrastructure & Community Development
I will take an in-depth look at the city’s income, what we are developing with taxpayers’ funds, and propose “development” that benefits our community, not just corporations, private investors, and stakeholders.
Property Rights & Eminent Domain
I intend to take a focused look at how local government is able to make these decisions, attempt to resolve any and all conflict, and look into changing policies to benefit the landowners and landlords of our community.
Illegal Immigrants/Non-Citizens
I will ask the questions we all want to know. Is the City of Findlay providing funds to them? Are we receiving grants or funds from the state to house them? Why has this issue not yet been addressed by our local government?
Constitutional Rights
I will dive into the freedom of our citizens to see why this seems to be the government our founding fathers warned us about.

Over the past few years, we’ve experienced authoritarian government firsthand. Lockdowns, mask mandates, and near-forced vaccinations have shown us the dangerous reality of a top-down government. Impeding on our Constitutional freedoms in the name of health and safety have become too common for those of us who value our freedom.

I ran for Mayor of the City of Findlay because I understand that there are plans set in place to extend past the boundaries of our city, our county, our state, and even past our nation that are designed to slowly strip away our freedoms. I’m here to help people understand the severity of what that means.

I’m here to be the voice of our community and address the issues that truly concern our residents: the opioid crisis, drug problem, property rights, and illegal immigration.  We need to identify the problems, understand them, and work toward creating solutions to solve them, not just throw taxpayers’ dollars at management centers and call them effective or fixed.

Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay MayorThursday, October 17th, 2024 at 5:19pm
Unbelievable. Instead of blaming the Biden-Harris Administration for their disastrous border policy they blame President Trump for pointing to #SpringfieldOhio. It’s NOT about cats & dogs, it’s about MULES, as stated by Investigative Journalist Asra Nomani of the Jewish Journal.

Springfield news today is #FindlayOhio news tomorrow.
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay MayorThursday, October 17th, 2024 at 10:56am
“Think Globally, act Locally”

-The Globalist Agenda in #FindlayOhio
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay MayorThursday, October 17th, 2024 at 10:21am
Taxes, Taxes & more Taxes! TIF’s.

TIF’s. What are they? Tax Increment Financing. I sum it up as tomorrows tax revenue being used today - almost like a credit card. While stimulating Economic Growth, TIF’s will encourage builders to build with funds they didn’t otherwise have. Here are the four TIF Districts being looked at:

1. CR 99/I-75. Is this the area for the Black Swamp Combinator?🧐

2. Sheetz (Project Hat Trick). The factory that was highly incentivized to bring in jobs for illegal immigrants they call ‘legal’.

3. FMT

4. The Downtown Park. The $40 MILLION dollar park that they refuse to take to the ballot yet pushes it through behind the scenes. Like at the Strategic Planning Committee on 10/8/24 when she said she wanted to get this passed through Council before the end of the year.

Some of the concerns Councilwoman Holly Frische include Findlay’s Budget. She said she’d like to see the Budget for 2025 to see how they will cover it. Another VERY interesting point she made was that something has been delaying, but the change is going to include a huge increase on property tax. Hmmm🤨 Just on the heals of increased 1% FCS tax? What a coincidence! During the meeting Councilwoman Holly Frische also suggested vetting the companies. I looked into that - Andrew Brossart, Financial Advisor, worked for William Blair Investment Management. Look into that.

City Auditor Jim Staschiak said we need to be sure developers have skin in the game. He said there needs to be an entire package that has all the details written out from expenses to how it’s going to get paid. In case you didn’t know, these TIF Districts have been known to become a slush fund. But we don’t have to worry about that in lil ole #FindlayOhio, right?

A few things I noticed while watching the Strategic Planning Committee of 10/8/24 on Youtube 3x’s is that Councilman Dan DeArment, “Slayer” of our Freedom of Speech, didn’t seem confused but asked “and everyone’s okay with this?” I’m paraphrasing to say, it didn’t sound like a good deal.

Also, when asked about how this came up, the mayor said SHE brought it up. That right there is a problem, especially since it includes her legacy $40 MILLION Downtown park and her push to get this through City Council before the end of the year. Is that so they can tap into our increased property taxes that are being evaluated when the market is HIGHLY inflated. How strategic of them!

Everyone knows this agenda is being forced through “Declaring an Emergency” without giving the people much time to wrap their heads about the growth in their community. And while I’m all for growth, fast-tracking a Technocratic city with radiation emitting technology should be considered for the safety of our community. Fast-tracking pet projects like a Downtown legacy park should be taken to a vote. Vetting companies and developers coming into our city should be a priority.

Findlay should get back to doing things they way they were meant to be. Quit Declaring and Emergency on every Ordinance and stop suspending the Rules of Council to get your agenda in the express lane. Like Councilwoman Holly Frische said “what’s the hurry?” I’m guessing its their need for that tax payer teet they’re getting fat on.

I hope they create a Tax Increment Finance Committee and stay transparent.
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay MayorThursday, October 17th, 2024 at 6:55am
At a recent City Council meeting, the mayor said that Sheetz (Project Hat Trick) would be bring in jobs with salaries at $58,000. Would that be $58,000 for administrative positions and low-moderate income for the illegal immigrants they call legal, so they’d qualify for affordable housing?

That’s what it’s looking like.


The trick was on us - I called that one last year.
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay MayorWednesday, October 16th, 2024 at 9:05pm
This breakdown from the American Immigration Council is a great resource to understand the strategy of infiltration, how its happening and who is involved. It’s also good to know and refer to the United States Conference of Mayors that our Mayor is affiliated with, as well as #SpringfieldOhio mayor, Rob Rue, and how the Resolutions they pass are for funding the invasion of our country and making sure these lawbreakers find food and shelter on the tax payer dime whose laws they just violated.

When you see the big picture and they’ve had their plan laid out for years, you can see how this is being ALLOWED in our city. Its not a new problem, it’s been a growing problem under Mayor Muryns Administration. A problem she refuses to address until after her election last November. Oh how strategic.

Well, everyone now knows that this administration is bringing harm to this city on many different levels. Mayor Christina Muryn should resign.

Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay MayorWednesday, October 16th, 2024 at 8:16pm
Remember this? #CityofFindlay received $138,705 from the Department of Homeland Security. I contacted the mayor a couple weeks ago about these funds and she said they go to the Fire Department. In the meantime I had also asked the City Auditor about the funds and he told me at a Central Committee meeting that he couldn’t trace/find them. So, I emailed the mayor again asking more specific question like, does the Fire Dept have a fund that doesn’t go through the Auditors office? And a few more. She referred me back to the City Auditor and Deputy Auditor. After I received this email I forwarded her response to the City Auditor to see if we could track these funds. I’ll let you know what they say.

Did you know that the Department of Homeland Security works with FEMA to ship migrants across the country into communities.

Do you remember how the mayor applied for a $28 MILLION grant earlier this year for benching?

Do you notice how #FindlayOhio has only received 2.8% of the total from the Department of Homeland Security?

Do you think DHS and FEMA have anything to do with Illegal immigrants entering our community?

What are your thoughts?
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay MayorWednesday, October 16th, 2024 at 7:44pm
#FindlayOhio is a community that needs to be investigated, especially since we are tied to #SpringfieldOhio who’s First Diversity Staffing is allegedly involved in #HumanTrafficking. This administration has said that the immigrants are stacked 10-12 to a bedroom yet they are here for work and that’s what we have. According to the Council meeting on 10/1/24, the State Fire Marshall has found nothing wrong.

This is “Indentured Servitude”, or as a Haitian pastor near Columbus phrased it “Paid Slavery”.

Why is there no law enforcement getting involved?🧐
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay MayorWednesday, October 16th, 2024 at 6:29pm
If there was ever a time to know the globalist agenda so you can see what they have in store for you, now would be that time. Not only are we using globalist companies like Suez North America for our radiation emitting smart water meters, globalist companies are buying up one of our local grocery stores. What a bummer! I’ve been shopping this mom and pop store for 35+ years.

Check out who the top investors are in SpartanNash - Blackrock & Vanguard.

Who really owns #FindlayOhio?🤔
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay MayorWednesday, October 16th, 2024 at 4:58pm
The #CityofFindlay is taking in a lot of our taxpayer money for global agendas like building a #Smart15MinuteCity, which is an open air prison, spending MILLIONS on Greenway Trails all around our city, and assisting in the invasion of illegal immigrants at our border, all while the US is $35 TRILLION in debt. BUT she’s got the Economics Degree so let’s just trust her, right?

I think this Economics Degree is broken.
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay MayorWednesday, October 16th, 2024 at 4:19pm
At last nights City Council meeting, nearly all Councilman voted ‘no’ to having this letter read out loud. A letter from a concerned citizen saying if they don’t stop this liberal agenda, #FindlayOhio will be the next Toledo, #SpringfieldOhio or Lima.

I remember a City Council meeting awhile ago where Auditor Jim Staschiak said that Findlay doesn’t have record of citizen opposing their local government. It’s like they hide issues on purpose🤨

Well, we’re done taking it and will continue to move forward in holding them accountable for everything they are doing.

We are #TheRegulars🇺🇸
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay MayorWednesday, October 16th, 2024 at 2:07pm
Oh My Word🙄 Plandemic 2.0 Right on que just weeks before the election. I guess I’ll go vote early in case they try to shut down the world again.

This is stupid. This is planned.

Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay MayorWednesday, October 16th, 2024 at 8:18am
It’s not just #FindlayOhio having a problem, it’s happening across the country. Towns across America are feeling the burden of influx in their schools, healthcare, non-profits and housing, just as we are. How do we stop this problem from continuing in our city?

Interestingly enough, the Mayor of Logansport, Indiana is a young novice boy. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay MayorTuesday, October 15th, 2024 at 8:32pm
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay MayorTuesday, October 15th, 2024 at 6:20pm
Though this was last months news, it’s more relevant now than ever. Why is #FindlayOhio inviting companies that offer low-paying jobs to what they call ‘legal’ immigrants, and also given incentives to the companies bringing them into our city?

I haven’t always agreed with State Representative Jon Cross, but on this issue, I agree 💯. The migrant loophole is taking away American jobs. It does NO good to have immigrants bussed in for poverty wage jobs, which is exactly why #SpringfieldOhio is being investigated. It has been referred to as “Indentured Servitude” or “Paid Slavery”.

If you haven’t read Asra Nomani’s article in the Jewish Journal, it’s a MUST read, because you know, Springfield, Ohio news today is Findlay, Ohio news tomorrow. (See comments below 👇🏽)

In my research it is my understanding that the Illegal Immigrants sign a contract with the temp services that they will not take full-time permanent position jobs when offered by the factories. I‘m reaching out to find out about such a document.

What I call this is Labour Trafficking / Human Trafficking.

What do you think?
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