Haydee Sadler

Pursuing Truth

If not us, then who? If not now, then when?

I’m stepping up to the challenge of serving our community to the greatest capacity that I am able. What matters to you, matters to me. It’s time for a change, and I want to bring the change that people want to see!

What is Haydee’s Agenda?

Truth & Transparency
I will lead the charge in every move I make in addressing issues, where the funds are coming from, and how we plan to resolve the problems that arise.
Medical Freedom
I commit to signing the Medical Freedom petition and looking into implanting legislation that protects the medical rights of our community.
Opioid & Addiction Crisis
I will review the statistics and policies in place, analyzing their effectiveness in order to improve the system.
Infrastructure & Community Development
I will take an in-depth look at the city’s income, what we are developing with taxpayers’ funds, and propose “development” that benefits our community, not just corporations, private investors, and stakeholders.
Property Rights & Eminent Domain
I intend to take a focused look at how local government is able to make these decisions, attempt to resolve any and all conflict, and look into changing policies to benefit the landowners and landlords of our community.
Illegal Immigrants/Non-Citizens
I will ask the questions we all want to know. Is the City of Findlay providing funds to them? Are we receiving grants or funds from the state to house them? Why has this issue not yet been addressed by our local government?
Constitutional Rights
I will dive into the freedom of our citizens to see why this seems to be the government our founding fathers warned us about.

Over the past few years, we’ve experienced authoritarian government firsthand. Lockdowns, mask mandates, and near-forced vaccinations have shown us the dangerous reality of a top-down government. Impeding on our Constitutional freedoms in the name of health and safety have become too common for those of us who value our freedom.

I ran for Mayor of the City of Findlay because I understand that there are plans set in place to extend past the boundaries of our city, our county, our state, and even past our nation that are designed to slowly strip away our freedoms. I’m here to help people understand the severity of what that means.

I’m here to be the voice of our community and address the issues that truly concern our residents: the opioid crisis, drug problem, property rights, and illegal immigration.  We need to identify the problems, understand them, and work toward creating solutions to solve them, not just throw taxpayers’ dollars at management centers and call them effective or fixed.

Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay MayorSunday, October 6th, 2024 at 2:04pm
An image of what the #Smart15MinuteCity, open air prison, #ConcentrationCampofTomorrow, looks like.

#FindlayOhio . . . the fast track to this future.
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay MayorSunday, October 6th, 2024 at 11:45am
Findlay Police Reporting of Illegal Immigrants -

In late August of this year I emailed the Chief of Police for some records regarding illegal immigrants, human trafficking reports and particularly calls to the two motels off of Broad Avenue and the one that sits back further on Fox Street. I have those reports and will be combing through them to see what I can make of the calls and how they are reporting them. If anyone is interested in these, send me your email by IM and we can tackle this together.

Over the past year I’ve been contacted by hundreds of people with different stories about stalking, domestic violence and traffic accidents by the illegal immigrants in our community. Since the mayor is allowing this invasion to our city because it’s a Federal problem (as she consistently messages), I can see why she downplays the rising crime and problems she is plaguing our city with. How does that translate to reports? Well, you have to understand that when it comes to the Police Department, she’s the boss. They have to line up like good little soldiers and they all have to parrot the same message. Not just the Police Department but all non-profit organizations involved and non-governmental agencies involved. This is written in detail in Agenda 2030, “start locally, think globally”. In order for this agenda to work, the message has to be clear from all agencies. What is that message today? “There is NO danger”, “There is no reason for concern”, “crime rates are not rising”. This last statement is quite OPPOSITE of the reporting I heard from last years Budget Hearing on 12/13/23 in Council Chambers. If you’re interested in what they report, go to my videos and scroll down a bit to find it. Decide for yourself if what they are ‘saying’ today lines up with the ‘reporting’ of last year. Language is NOT the only problem we are dealing with here, that is clear.

Do you notice how anything that concerns the residents of #FindlayOhio is downplayed by this administration or is it just me?

-NO environmental concerns on the Ra-nik property.

-NO radiation concerns about the radiation emitting infrastructure being installed at lightning speed “Declaring an Emergency” on your tax dollars.

- NO concerns regarding the invasion of our countries border because we want to be a “welcoming community”, right?

This is a problem. Mayor Muryn IS a problem. Her refusal to consider those she vowed to serve to follow this agenda has become shameless and brazen. Moves need to be made before our community is destroyed.

Back to the reporting . . .

In the reponse from the FPD Records Clerk she said there are no settings or boxes to check to find Ice Holds or Illegal Immigrants. Side note: from software systems I’ve used over the years, adding these categories haven’t been that difficult. Perhaps the lack of detail in reporting is intentional. After all, they don’t want to alarm the public as the mayor boldly continues in her push for this agenda.

On Thursday, October 3rd, I was contacted by a friend who informed me there had been an accident on Trenton Avenue close to Broad Ave. Her friend had been t-boned by a Haitian driver. The police arrived and rather than citing anyone, all they managed was an exchange of information for the two parties and told they could work it out themselves. Wow🤯 is this how they are able to report no rise in accident violations and crimes? Are they just not reporting at all? Honest questions.

Remember how I told you that Findlay Forwards Strategic Plan was based on manipulated data after Findlay paid $133,000? What are the chances that Findlay’s Police Department reporting is based on manipulated data?🧐 At a City Council meeting several months ago I mentioned the Housing Assessment of 2020 by Disalvo Development Advisors and their recommendations. City Auditor Jim Staschiak spoke up to mention on record that that assessment was done on manipulated data and NOT accurate. Interesting, isn’t it?🤨

When I say the #CityofFindlay is #Deceitful, there are many things that point to that fact, as you can see for yourself.

To wrap up this post, I reached out to a friend that has sent me several reports and they couldn’t find the report number on this Exchange of Information from Thursdays accident.

I’ve personally been a witness myself to an accident by a haitian driver on CR 140 earlier this year where I made the call to 911, stayed to help everyone involved and waited a half hour for help to arrive. As a witness, I wrote a statement for that accident and got a copy of that report.

What’s your story and what was the outcome of your accident/incident?

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Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay MayorSunday, October 6th, 2024 at 10:20am
“Have NOTHING to do with works of darkness but instead expose them all.”

I’m working through a lot of different things in my life right now - from my thoughts and how to express them in writing, to my spiritual journey of trusting God in all things, to the realities of how spiritual things manifest/translate in this world. So, I have to share that in this battle for our city, I find it quite interesting that the Central Committee, of which I have been elected to, meets at the Masonic Temple.

My thoughts for today.
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay MayorSaturday, October 5th, 2024 at 3:06pm
Apparently FB doesn’t like the idea of me pointing out obvious connections between #SpringfieldOhio and #FindlayOhio😏
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay MayorSaturday, October 5th, 2024 at 12:50pm
Findlay, have you heard of the Black Swamp Combinator? If not, take a look at what One Energy has planned for Hancock County. This is REALLY the reason for the work over on CR 99 if you ask me.

The Target Energy Technologies include a #SmartGrid and IoT devices for energy efficiency. But, I thought the mayor said we WEREN’T building a #Smart15MinuteCity🤔 Looks like she’s mastered deception because it’s clear that’s EXACLTY what #FindlayOhio is doing. Building the #ConcentrationCampofTomorrow with radiation emitting technology, surveillance of all citizens from Smart water & electric meters to your stores and even your streets. NO getting away from Big Brother in Communist Findlay. They will be pushing Digital Currency on you as well. #HancockCounty will be one of the largest digital currency mining sites in the Northeast - just check out the Operating Megawatt Hub.

What was that statement by Hillary Clinton?🤔 oh yea, “cryptocurrency will be the demise of nations and we have to start with the small ones.”

Imagine that. Findlay is building the Concentration Camp of tomorrow with cryptocurreny that they will use to control your purchases and your life. They’ve already started practicing. I was flagged at nine items at Kroger. When I asked what that was all about the attendant said “its for security purposes”. Hmmmm🧐

Findlay is on the front lines of the entire agenda and the mayor denies it all. How can she explain the fact that Findlay, Ohio is listed as ‘Leaders and Planners’ on the Smart Cities Connect?

Throw thousands of illegal immigrants and call them legal to fill the #HumanTrafficking workforce through #FirstDiversity and let’s call it a day, right?

When I say Mayor Christina Muryn and her Black Swamp croonies, oh, I mean Councilman, are wrecking our town, I mean they are WRECKING our town.

What do you think your next move should be?
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay MayorSaturday, October 5th, 2024 at 11:57am
Vote NO on Issue 1. Stop the Steal!
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay MayorSaturday, October 5th, 2024 at 11:17am
How do we get ahold of Trumps team to tell him to add #FindlayOhio to this agenda?
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay MayorFriday, October 4th, 2024 at 6:19pm
So DeWine mentioned #SpringfieldOhio, #FindlayOhio and #LimaOhio when he talked about sending money to help with the influx of #IllegalImmigrants in our communities. If you’ll remember, the national spotlight lit up Springfield because of the “eating cats and dogs” comment during the presidential debate. If you know Trump, you know there are always reasons he points at a problem, underlying reasons, which in this case broke the story of alleged #HumanTrafficking by #FirstDiversity Staffing Agency that is closely connected to Findlay. However, there’s still that initial call out of “eating cats and dogs” that we have to remember.

Take a look at this post in Allen County that says many similar incidents have been reported to the Allen County Sheriff - that’s Lima.

Interesting 🤔
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay MayorFriday, October 4th, 2024 at 6:10pm
Todays speaker at the Hancock County GOP First Friday lunch was amazing! I trust Judge Megan Shanahan with the future of #Ohio.
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay MayorFriday, October 4th, 2024 at 3:53pm
Vote Phil Reigle for Judge.

Not another fake Republican like Alex Treece claims to be.
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay MayorFriday, October 4th, 2024 at 1:52pm
Looks like we are back in business! That’s great news for America.
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay MayorFriday, October 4th, 2024 at 11:00am
Perhaps it’s just me, but I find it VERY interesting that DeWine spoke at Springfield on April 4, 2022 about adding capacity to meet the growing lithium-ion batteries demand. Adding more manufacturing to give illegal immigrants jobs I presume🧐. To meet the demand for the demand on lithium-ion batteries.

Lithium, why is that on my mind? Oh, that’s right, because the Carolina Mountains that were just ravaged by Hurrican Helene are rich with Lithium. Add to that the Land Grabs intended by the government, just like Lahaina.

By the time the Carolinas are cleaned up, the lithium factory should be built and ready to start processing the lithium stolen by our government from those they killed in the hurricane and people who they removed from their land. Oh, one more addition - illegal immigrants to fill those new jobs right out of #SpringfieldOhio from the alleged #HumanTrafficking staffing company, #FirstDiversty. A company #FindlayOhio has close ties with who also fills our workforce.

Was Sheetz built to employ illegal immigrants? Are the factories looking at Findlay also looking for cheap labor?🤔

My guess is that this is all part of their invasion plan. Mike DeWine is crooked little snake who is part of the Deep State swamp and Findlay, Ohio is just as snaky and corrupt as them all.🐍

Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay MayorFriday, October 4th, 2024 at 7:05am
Now that you are aware that Mayor Christina Muryn is going to stay consistant in her message regarding illegal immigrants in our community, as she stated at Tuesday evenings City Council meeting, and plans to assimilate them quickly, then lets uncover all her already laid out plans.

In either December 2023 or January 2024 she made the announcement at the Fresh Brewed Business Meeting usually held at the Marathon Center for Performing Arts, that #FindlayOhio would become a “HUB”. I’m not sure what you have in mind when you read that, but I see populations of people being moved in our community for awhile then disbursed to smaller communities. From the border, to Springfield, to Findlay to McComb & Rawson. The previous waves were mexicans with no papers, illegal immigrants - that was last year. It seems like they’ve been disbursed and settled. Today, we are dealing with Haitians and a Temporary Protective Status. Next year it may be Venezuelans & Nicaraguans because Biden just passed a bill or an Executive Order of some sort. I shared it in one of my posts.

Findlay, is this sustainable for our community? How much can we take?

I’d like to turn your eye to FEMA. As mentioned in a couple previous posts, the mayor filed a preapplication earlier this year for $15 MILLION of your taxpayer dollars. In the final application the amount went up to $28 MILLION. Of course this is all for benching, right? Yea, so they say🙄 but we all hear the lies and deception coming from this administration. They want us to think “there’s nothing to see here, we’re a #SafeCity and a #CaringGovernment, and Republicans. We promise 🤞🏽.

Take a look at the screen shots below letting you know that FEMA is not a friend of the people. This government agency has funded illegal immigrants from the start. Not only that, they are NOT helping American people. They are stopping rescue workers and supplies from coming in to the devasted areas Hurricane Helene tore in her path. Much like Lahaina receiving only $600, the goverment is only giving them $750 while sending billions to Ukraine and other countries. Our government likes to fund wars.

Do you want to know what is next? Land grabs in the Carolinas for their Lithium minds? Land grabs like they did in Lahaina?

I wonder what a FEMA land grab looks like in #Findlay?🧐 Land Banks like mentioned in the Housing Assessment of 2020 created by DiSalvo Development Advisors? They even recommended expunging criminal records to make applications for affordable housing easier😲

The plan is written out. Its up to us to uncover it and hold them accountable for this city’s assistance in the invasion at our border.

What’s our next step Findlay? We can NOT survive three more years of this disastrous agenda plaguing our city and surrounding communities.
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay Mayor
Haydee Sadler for City of Findlay MayorThursday, October 3rd, 2024 at 2:41pm
Did you know that FEMA funds housing for Illegal Immigrants? Did you know that the mayor applied for FEMA dollars earlier this year? The preapplication request was for $15 million of your taxpayer dollars with the final application being $28 million of your tax dollars.

If FEMA provides funds for housing for illegal immigrants, then can you see #FindlayOhio sucking that government teet in order to fund this dangerous agenda?

We need to follow the money. After all, it is OUR money she’s abusing.
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